The GRIF brings together researchers of the Université de Sherbrooke working in fields related to the theoretical aspects of computer science. The expertise of the GRIF includes algorithms, bioinformatics, formal methods, quantum computing and automata theory.



  • Michael Blondin : formal verification, automata theory, model checking, computational complexity, logic
  • Marc Frappier : formal specification, security, consent management
  • Manuel Lafond : bioinformatics, algorithms, graph theory, phylogenetics, computational complexity
  • Aïda Ouangraoua : bioinformatics and computational biology, algorithms, phylogenetics, RNA structure
  • Nadia Tahiri : bioinformatics, phylogenetics, classification, clustering, algorithms
  • Dave Touchette : quantum computing, information theory, communication complexity
  • Cunlu Zhou : quantum computing, optimization, quantum complexity theory


  • Bertrand Marchand: computer science (with Manuel Lafond)

Ph.D. students

  • Chaymae El Jabri: computer science (with Marc Frappier)
  • Safa Jammali: computer science (with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • Reza Kalhor: computer science (with Manuel Lafond)
  • Aleksandr V. Koshkarov: computer science (with Nadia Tahiri)
  • Alitzel Lopez Sanchez: computer science (with Manuel Lafond)
  • Weidong Luo: computer science (with Manuel Lafond)
  • Lionel Nganyewou Tidjon: computer science (with Marc Frappier)
  • Gurleen Padda: computer science (with Dave Touchette)
  • Anaïs Vannutelli: biochemistry (with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • Michel-Ange Zamor: computer science (with Marc Frappier)

Master's students

  • Fadi Abu Salem: computer science (with Nadia Tahiri)
  • Sarah Belhamiti: biochemistry (with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • Marc-André Bossanyi: computer science (with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • Noé Canva: computer science (with Michael Blondin)
  • Benjamin Courchesne: computer science (with Michael Blondin)
  • Olivier Desmarais: computer science (with Nadia Tahiri)
  • Ali Fotouhi: computer science (with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • Wanlin Li: computer science (with Nadia Tahiri)
  • Philippe-Antoine Plante: computer science (with Marc Frappier)
  • Francis Sarrazin: computer science (with Manuel Lafond)

Former students

  • Luc Bugingo: computer science (Master's with Manuel Lafond)
  • Ibrahim Chegrane: computer science (postdoc with Manuel Lafond)
  • Diego de Azevedo Oliveira: computer science (Ph.D. with Marc Frappier)
  • Vincent Fély: computer science (Master's with Marc Frappier)
  • Juliette Fournis d'Albiat: computer science (Master's internship with Michael Blondin)
  • Steve Jeffrey Tueno Fotso: computer science (Ph.D. with Marc Frappier)
  • Esaie Kuitche: computer science (Ph.D. with Aïda Ouangraoua)
  • François Ladouceur: computer science (Master's with Michael Blondin)
  • Philip Offtermatt: computer science (Ph.D. with Michael Blondin)
  • Andres Pastrana: computer science (Master's with Manuel Lafond)
  • Alex Sansfaçon-Buchanan: computer science (Master's with Michael Blondin)
  • Félix Vigneault: computer science (Master's with Marc Frappier)


  • 16/09/2024: Lucie Guillou – Safety Analysis of Parameterised Networks with Non-Blocking Rendez-Vous and Broadcasts
  • 22/06/2023: Bertrand Marchand – Graph widths for exact algorithms in structural RNA bioinformatics
  • 19/03/2021: Philip Offtermatt – Directed Reachability for Infinite-State Systems (Club informatique)
  • 19/01/2021: Andres Pastrana – Massive Parallelization of branching algorithms (Club informatique)
  • 11/03/2020: Philip Offtermatt – Approaching Safety for Parameterized Systems using View Abstraction
  • 05/12/2019: Philippe Lamontagne – Calcul sûr biparti à l'ère de l'information quantique
  • 15/11/2019: Daniel Amyot – Forage de modèles de processus: amélioration du prétraitement et intégration de buts
  • 03/10/2019: Alain Finkel – Verification of Flat FIFO Systems
  • 02/05/2019: Filip Mazowiecki – The Reachability Problem for Petri Nets is Not Elementary
  • 24/11/2018: Stefan Jaax – Parameterized Verification of Population Protocols
  • 03/10/2018: Jean-Raymond Abrial – Un autre exemple d'ingénierie mathématique: Le théorème de Goodstein
  • 19/09/2018: Jean-Raymond Abrial – Ingénierie mathématique: définition et exemple


The research activities of the GRIF cover the following topics:

  • algorithms
  • automata theory
  • bioinformatics
  • classification
  • clustering
  • computational biology
  • computational complexity
  • cryptography and security
  • formal methods
  • formal verification
  • graph theory
  • information theory
  • logic
  • optimization
  • parameterized complexity
  • quantum computing
  • specification and refinement
  • theory of computation
The members of the GRIF are funded by several organizations such as the Research Council of Canada in Natural Sciences and Engineering Canada (NSERC) and the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies (FRQNT).

If you are interested in a research internship or in a master's, Ph.D. or postdoctoral position, please contact one of our professors.